Gummies! Everyone loves a tasty snack while traveling. Sometimes planning your snacks can be the most exciting thing about an upcoming trip. Hopefully not, but the right munchy can turn around the worst of travel days. If you are the driver on this trip, then take that aspect into consideration when choosing just the right tasty treat to pack! Picture yourself trying to eat a cup of yogurt while driving. Hmmm… not so much.
Something else to consider is distracted-driver laws. A lot of places you can get a ticket for eating while driving. Make sure you know the rest stops along your journey. Or be good at being sneaky, but we didn’t suggest that option. There are distracted driving laws in Indiana. Those mostly revolve around cell phone usage, but it does discuss eating and driving as one of the ways you are distracted on the roads.
Eating exacerbates the degree of distraction when combined with other distractions, of which things like being tired or upset. There…we’ve done our due diligence around keeping you safe! Now onto the fun stuff: WHAT to eat while pulled over at a rest stop on your road trip:
Protein bars: Kind makes some really great ones with and without chocolate. Most of them are within the 5 g of sugar range. They provide fantastic protein, enough of a sweet taste, without affecting your blood sugar levels.
Nuts: Whole nuts. Salted. Raw. Roasted. Walnuts. Almonds. Pistachios.
Seeds: Sunflower or pumpkin. In the shell, out of the shell. Salted. Not salted.
Sweet treats: Gummy bears. Redvines. Eminem’s, plain, peanut, almond. Skittles. Jellybeans.
Cheese: cheese sticks or Babybel minis.
Various kinds of trail mixes that can include, but do not have to, things like M&Ms. Yum.
Popcorn: Best to not choose a greasy option. Kettle corn could work.
Beef jerky is always a good option. Turkey jerky works too.
Make sure you have something to wash it down with. Water is always the best option. But no one will judge you if you slip in a soda. Well, we won’t anyway.
Road trips aren’t always fun. Snacks tend to make it better. If you want to sneak in a few Oreos, we won’t tell. Before you head out on that road trip, don’t forget to check all of your fluids and the air pressure in your tires. Feel free to give us a call if you’d like us to help you with that. We may not give you the snacks to go on your trip, but the team of awesome auto technicians at Mast Service Center can help ensure your safety. Happy travels!